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MANIFO opportunity to create a standard page or pages responsive.
The new version of MANIFO page editor. Pages created with this editor look good on a variety of devices - smartphones, tablets, monitors. This version of the editor is in the works and only she will in future be developed.
The first version of MANIFO page editor. Pages created with this editor look good only on the screens of laptops and traditional monitors. This version editor has more options and is more stable. Due to technological limitations, this version of the editor is no longer developed.
* For details about the packages are shown on the logging to the editor.
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benefit from the help center or call +48 731 107 999 hours: 9:00-16:00.
The aid is intended for the issues related to the registration, login, anchoring domains payments and the use of an editor. We not wyklikujemy parties on behalf of clients. Support is for free.